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One-Way Promise   돌아오지 않는 약속

2024, 껍데기 ​가루 혼합물에 수채, 가변 크기

2024, watercolor on eggshell mixture, dimensions variable

Looking Down On Me.jpg

⟪죽음이 누운 자리   The Place Where Death Lies   (upcoming)


꾸룩꾸룩   Stomach Growling

2023, 껍데기 ​가루 혼합물에 수채, 사운드, 가변 크기

2023, watercolor on eggshell mixture, sound, dimensions variable


알알이 박힌 알약   Pills by Pills

2023, 달걀 껍데기 ​가루 혼합물, 알약, 가변 크기

2023, eggshell mixture, pills, dimensions variable

달걀에도 뼈가 있다 2023

달걀에도 뼈가 있다   The Bones in the Egg



2023, 달걀 껍데기, 4.5x4.0x4.0cm

2023, an eggshell, 4.5x4.0x4.0cm


Untitled (The First Eggshell)



2023, 달걀 껍데기 ​가루 혼합물, 가변 크기

2023, eggshell mixture, dimensions variable

메모 한 장 2023_scan.jpg

한 조각 뜯어가세요   Take One



2023, 디지털 프린트, 21.6x27.9cm

2023, digital prints, 21.6x27.9cm

메모 한 장   Memo



2023, 디지털 프린트, 7.5x7.5cm

2023, digital prints, 7.5x7.5cm

Mottled Blue 1.jpg

My Fallen Remains Series   내게서 떨어진 잔해들   installation view



2023, 달걀 껍데기 가루 혼합물, 게 껍데기 혼합물, 가변 크기

2023, eggs and crab shell mixtures, dimensions variable

My Fallen Remains on the Shelf_W.jpg

My Fallen Remains   collection


⟪불안이 낳은 껍질⟫   Peels Derived From Anxiety

2023, ⟪불안이 낳은 껍질⟫, WWW SPACE, 서울, 대한민국

2023, "Peels Derived From Anxiety" solo exhibition, WWW SPACE, Seoul, South Korea

말라비틀어진 귀 2022.jpg

말라비틀어진 귀   Twisted and Wrinkled Ears



2022, 바이오 플라스틱(아이오타 카라기난・한천・전분 가루 혼합물, 식용색소), 가변 크기

2022, bio-plastics(iota carrageenan・agar・starch mixture, food coloring), dimensions variable

붉은 열매 혼합물.jpg

붉은 열매와 나뭇가지   Red Berries and Branches



2022, 바이오 플라스틱(아이오타 카라기난 혼합물), 열매와 나뭇가지, 말린 세모가시리,


2022, bio-plastics(iota carrageenan mixture), red berries and branches, dried seaweed, 35x40cm

바이오 플라스틱   Bio-Plastics



2022, 고구마 전분 가루 혼합물, 식용색소, 세양사, 말린 채소와 해조류, 가변 크기

2022, sweet potato starch mixture, food coloring, gauze, dried vegetables,

          dimensions variable

작가의 레시피 2022 1.jpg
작가의 레시피 2022 2.jpg

⟪작가의 레시피⟫   Artists' Recipes

2022, ⟪작가의 레시피⟫, 서리풀청년아트갤러리, 서울, 대한민국

2022, "Artists' Recipes" group exhibition, Seoripul Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

작가의 레시피 2022 8.jpg

점박이 II   A Spotted Bio-Plastic II

2021-22, dried beet, gelatin, 37.5x41.0cm


영수증   Receipts

2022, digital prints, 7.9x15.0cm (left), 7.9x22.1cm (right)

feel so alive being dead - 현장 사진

2021, plaster, dirt fragrance, dimensions variable

feel so alive being dead.jpg

feel so alive being dead

2021, single channel video, sound, color, 09:14

모든 나뭇가지는 제자리로 돌아갔다 2022_b4.jpg

모든 나뭇가지는 제자리로 돌아갔다

2022, plaster, dirt fragrance, 40x50x2cm

White Bones 2021.jpg

white bones  하얀 뼈

2021, digital prints, 21.0x29.7cm



당신의 불안을 사겠습니다

2021~ , archive materials, dimensions variable

coming soon

편지 봉투_closed 01.png
목구멍 오른쪽에 자리 잡은 팥알_정면.png

puzzles, per pair

​퍼즐, 한 쌍

2021, digital prints, 20.4x28.9cm

다시 만날 때까지_설치 전경.jpg

기억 상자  Memory Boxes, 기억 조각  Memory Pieces

2021, ⟪다시 만날 때까지⟫ 기획전 설치 전경, 쇼앤텔

2021, "Until We Meet Again" group exhibition, ShowandTell, Seoul, South Korea

01_기억 상자_기억 조각_2021_이유림.jpg

기억 상자  Memory Boxes, 기억 조각  Memory Pieces

2021, bio-plastics(agar mixture), PLA filaments, resin, some fragments, dimensions variable

섞고 끓이고 붓고.jpg

섞고 끓이고 붓고   mixing boiling pouring

2021, single channel video, sound, color, 06:20

untitled 2021.jpg


2021, bio-plastic(iota carrageenan mixture), food coloring, wire, dimensions variable, a detail shot

파묻히다 II.jpg

파묻히다 II  Burying II

2020, bio-plastic(iota carrageenan mixture), 44.5x55.5cm


무덤  A Mound

2020, bio-plastic(agar mixture), fabric, dimensions variable, installation view


⟪Delicate Traces⟫

2020, ⟪Delicate Traces⟫ 개인전, 우석갤러리, 서울, 대한민국

2020, "Delicate Traces" solo exhibition, Woosuk Gallery, Seoul, South Korea


3 things i've been layering

2019, bio-plastic(agar mixture), digital print, wood, 32x42x5cm


​파묻히다  Burying

2019, bio-plastic(agar mixture), paper, wood frame, 28.5x32x3.5cm

3 things i've been thinking about 2019_w

3 things i've been thinking about

내가 생각해 온 세 가지

2019, digital print, 21.0x29.7cm

01 이유림_i can't see what you see(나는 네가 보는

i can't see what you see    나는 네가 보는 것을 볼 수 없다

2019, oil paint on wood panels, bio-plastic(agar mixture), left to right 15x40cm, 30x50cm, 60x60cm, 50x70cm, 50x70cm

속속들이 파묻히다 2019.jpg
속속들이 파묻히다 일부 2024ver.jpg

속속들이 파묻히다   Peeling, Burying

2019, bio-plastic(agar mixture), paper, ink, paint, 32x41cm

a part of Peeling, Burying

2024, ink on bio-plastic(agar mixture), 30x40cm

A Border

A Border

2019, single channel video, sound, black and white, 02:55

installation view of "롤링 Rolling" group exhibition in Woosuk Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

덧 2019_03.jpg

덧 I, II   Over I, II

2019, PLA filaments, green tea and grape pomace mixtures, dimensions variable, installation view


Remains   남겨진 것

2018, single channel video, sound, color, 04:55

플래시 플래쉬 플래쉬 2018

플래시 플래쉬 플래쉬   Flash Flesh Flesh

2018, ⟪행간의 포석⟫ 기획전, 이관훈 큐레이터 (프로젝트 스페이스 사루비아) 기획, 우석갤러리, 서울, 대한민국

2018, "A Rowing Stone" group exhibition, curated by Lee Kwan-hoon (Project Space Sarubia), Woosuk Gallery, Seoul, South Korea


Solid and Delicate II

2017, Pulchri Gallery, Den Haag, The Netherlands


Solid and Delicate I

2017, Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK) Graduation show 2017, Den Haag, The Netherlands

Crystal Maze

2016, "Crystal Maze" group exhibition, Den Haag, The Netherlands

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Uncanny Morphosis

2016, single channel video, color, 4:03


2015, oil on canvas


2014, pencil on paper

© 2014-2025 Youlim Lee. All Rights Reserved. All images are not allowed to be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of Youlim Lee.

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